Pre-prints & Conference Presentations

Here I collect conference presentations that Google Scholar somehow picks up, and a bone-yard of preprints on various servers. I periodically delete the pre-prints listed below as they make it to publications, and I cross my fingers that Google Scholar does the same.

Conference Presentations

Afkhami M. E., S. X. Palakurty, M. L. Friesen, L. Sternberg, and J. Stinchcombe. 2019. Community context: Impacts of multispecies mutualisms on host plant fitness, allocation, and investment of biologically fixed nitrogen. [2019 ESA Annual Meeting]

Afkhami M. E., S. X. Palakurty, and J. Stinchcombe. 2018. It takes a network: Multispecies mutualism between rhizobia, mycorrhizal fungi, and a legume shifts gene coexpression networks within host, partners, and across the symbiotic boundary. ESA, [2018 ESA Annual Meeting]

Kreiner J. M., J. Stinchcombe, and S. I. Wright. 2018. Comparative Population Genomics of Herbicide Resistance: Mating System, Ploidy, and Mechanistic Patterns of Adaptation. PAG, . [Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVI]

Afkhami M. E., M. L. Friesen, and J. Stinchcombe. 2016. Multiple mutualist effects: Understanding the evolution of mutualism in the context of complex multispecies interactions. ESA, . [101st ESA Annual Meeting]

Pre-prints in various stages of publication

Buxton-Martin, A. D., E. Gluck-Thaler, E. Yi, J. R. Stinchcombe, and C. W. Wood. 2024. Variation in a microbial mutualist has cascading consequences for host-parasite interactions. bioRxiv [link]

Henry, G. A., and J. R. Stinchcombe. 2024. Predicting fitness related traits using gene expression and machine learning. bioRxiv [link]

Boyle, J. A., B. Murphy, F. Teng, P. B. Zadeh, I. Ensminger, J. R. Stinchcombe, and M. E. Frederickson. 2024. Do rhizobia buffer legumes against climate-mediated microbiome effects? bioRxiv [link]

Yuan, M., L. M. Kollar, B. M. Sacchi, S. B. Carey, B. I. Choudhury, T. Jones, J. Grimwood, S. C. H. Barrett, S. F. McDaniel, S. I. Wright, and J. R. Stinchcombe. 2024. Testing for the genomic footprint of conflict between life stages in an angiosperm and a moss species. bioRxiv [link]

Battlay, P., S. Craig, A. R. Putra, K. Monro, N. P. De Silva, J. Wilson, V. C. Bieker, S. Kabir, N. Shamaya, L. van Boheemen, L. H. Rieseberg, J. R. Stinchcombe, A. Fournier-Level, M. D. Martin, and K. R. Hodgins. 2024. Rapid parallel adaptation in distinct invasions of Ambrosia artemisiifolia is driven by large-effect structural variants. bioRxiv [link]

I periodically purge the bioRxiv references in favor of the published versions. Below you can find a few vestigial pre-prints, and if you want to search for me on bioRxiv, click here.

Cornille, A., M. Tiret, A. Salcedo, H. R. Huang, M. Orsucci, P. Milesi, D. Kryvokhyzha, K. Holm, X. J. Ge, J. R. Stinchcombe, S. Glémin, S. I. Wright, and M. Lascoux. 2020. Phenotypic plasticity, population structure and adaptation in a young weed species with a worldwide distribution. bioRxiv [pdf]

Cornille, A., A. Salcedo, H. Huang, D. Kryvokhyzha, K. Holm, X.-J. Ge, J. R. Stinchcombe, S. Glémin, S. I. Wright, and M. Lascoux. 2018. Local adaptation and maladaptation during the worldwide range expansion of a selffertilizing plant. bioRxiv [pdf]